
Monday, October 10, 2011

Carnival Party in Full Swing

I'm a bit OCD and did not want to post on the whole party until I posted on all the bits and pieces of the party that I wanted links to.  However, I have finally decided that I will just insert the links later as I post them.  So here it goes...

We couldn't have asked for nicer weather!  I'm always nervous when it comes to outdoor affairs especially Steel's birthday in October.  We lucked out once again!

I'm outlining the whole affair for you...

Carnival Sign in the front yard:

Balloons lining the drive:

See Balloon Anchors for the How To.
Balloons lined the fence:

Face Painting and Tattoos:

I enlisted a family friend, Jessica, to do the Face Painting.  She actually offered and did a wonderful job!

Jacklyn was our Tattoo Artist.  She did a great job sticking on those tattoos!  

Even Heidi got one!

Picture Booth:

Our Birthday Boy could not be convinced to get his picture taken, he was much too busy with everything else going on.  No sense in rocking the Birthday Boy's boat!  He was tired and not to be messed with!

Neighbor Michelle manned our Picture Booth and took all pictures for us as we tended to other party needs.  Thanks Michelle!  And thank you for all your help setting up as well!

Check out the individual Carnival Party Picture Booth post for details.  

Football Toss Game:

Check out the Carnival Party Football Toss post for details.

The Hub was put in charge of this game.  Somehow he finagled his way out of it by putting Cole in charge.  Go figure!  That's okay, Cole did a better job than he probably would have anyway!  LOL!  I hear that after the football toss was over, there was some kind of a crazy pick up football game going on back there!

Tin Can Strike Zone Game:

I wish I had some more pictures of this crazy game!  Pictures of everything were a bit hard to get with so much going on all at the same time.  Heidi did a great job in her carnival voice hackling the kids!  Gotta love her!  I owe her big time as I think she was a bit tired of picking up those darn cans time and time again!  Thanks Heidi!  

Check out the individual Tin Can Strike Zone post for details.

Bean Bag Toss Game:

I don't have any pictures!  Sorry!  Thanks Jen for manning the game for me.

Check out the individual Bean Bag Toss post for details.

Bounce House:

I enlisted Neighbor Brent as the the Bounce House Bouncer, as you can tell, he needed beer to calm his nerves!  The kids got a bit wild but he kept them in line!

That would be Jacklyn getting pummeled by a bunch of crazy kids!

And saving the best for last...


Swifty the Clown is a fabulous balloon artist!  Check out his website.  He is worth every penny!  

I am adding a special post to display Swifty's creations for the day.  I don't have them all but I will highlight the ones I do have pictures of.  

Check out individual post Swifty the Clown for Swifty's creations!

After Swifty left it was time for Cake, well CUPCAKES at least!  Much easier than doing the cutting thing!

Heidi also borrowed a popcorn machine from her work!  It was great smelling the fresh popped popcorn!  I had bought the pre-popped popcorn to fill bags before she mentioned that she could bring one so I set those out as well!  Thanks again, Heidi-Ho!

Other related posts to check out:

Happy 6th Birthday to our beautiful baby boy, Steel!  We love you!

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