
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Project Garden Update #3

Houston, we had a problem.  I planted my veggies too close together with thoughts that not all plants would survive.  I know now that this was a bit crazy.  To the right of the picture below (cannot be seen due to the crazy over-growing cucumber mania) lays two cantaloupe and two watermelon plants.  

I had to do something.  I searched and searched for some hope of some magical transplanting technique so that I could move them and have them survive.  I had no such luck.  I decided to give it a whirl and move them anyways into a newly built garden box that the hub so graciously put together for me.  As you can see below, I had 25% success.  One of the cantaloupes survived!  This was better than leaving them in their previous location as they would not have survived anyway.

Note:  I did plant a few new watermelon plants, had no luck finding any  cantaloupe.

I constructed another trellis type grid with garden stakes and twine as I did for the cucumbers.  

We have cucumbers!  I must say they are delicious if I do say so myself.

 The peppers are doing wonderfully.

No such luck with the tomatoes.  They are small and looking sickly.  Our high heat may be contributing to this as well as how I planted them.  I planted them a bit too close together and in the upper level of our garden.  I had the hub build it with a piece of wood at the same level as the first so that we wouldn't need so much dirt for the second level.  (See previous project garden updates below for a closer look.)  I may think that this was a bad move.  The tomatoes may not have enough dirt for the roots in addition to fighting each other.  They look dry yet the bottom leaves are yellowing like they have too much water.  I am going to try and remedy the situation by adding yet more dirt as I have done several times this season already.  Arrrgghh...tomatoes to be continued...can we fix it???

And the pumpkins...

We counted 20 pumpkins at last count.  Cannot wait to decorate for the fall with our own pumpkins!!! I must say that the pumpkins are way bigger than this picture that I took last week.  I will have to post another update soon.


  1. You are so brave to plant pumpkins! lol. They will be great for fall though! I definitely need to get on the ball next year for cucumbers. :)

  2. That's why we put them at the side of the house! They can't cause too much trouble there. lol. The pumpkins are my favorite, I hope they continue to do well...I had to trim 4 rotten ones last week. Yikes!
