
Sunday, February 5, 2012

No Slip Valentine's Day Hand Towels

Well, it's been a while... we have had a crazy week.  It's time to get my blog back.

Another Valentine's Project...

As promised, I am converting all my holiday decorative towels into 'no slip' versions.  See other posts:  Thanksgiving No Slip Hand Towels and Halloween No Slip Hand Towels

Decorative Hand Towels
Needle and Thread
Matching Ribbon - Approx 1/3" wide
Tailor's Chalk Pencil

How I Did It
1.  I took a decorative Valentine's hand towel...

2.  I cut 4 lengths of ribbon, 7 inches long.  

3.  I used a tailor's chalk pencil and marked where I wanted the ribbons attached.  When you look at a folded towel, you want two ribbons attached to the front flap and 2 attached to the back flap, both on opposite sides.  When all ribbons are attached, you will be able to tie the front to the back, leaving enough room for the handle of the appliance that you want it hung from.  This checkered pattern aids in ensuring the ribbons are lined up correctly and the towel will hang evenly.  

4.  I folded the ribbon over and tacked it in place with needle and thread.  I tacked each ribbon to the underside of the towel (i.e. not the side that will be showing).  See pictures below for better understanding.  

5.  This is a picture of the towel refolded.

 Hung on stove handle...

Close up of ribbons tied...

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