
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thanksgiving Feast Menu 2011

Time to shop to gather items for the grand feast.  The hub and I cannot wait!  I will be sure to post recipes.  Here's our meal plan...

Deviled Eggs (A Holiday Staple in this house.  Come early and grab what you can, they are usually gone hours before the feast.)

The Main Courses:
Spiral Ham (Wilma is bringing)

Side Dishes:
Potato Salad (Wilma's Famous)
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy (Always)
Baked Corn Casserole (I bought a pre-made one for Christmas last year, I am making one for this feast.)
Green Bean Casserole (A must per the hub.)
Stuffing (I'm not a fan but I hear ya can't have a Turkey without it.  (smile) )
Rolls with Honey Butter (Yum)

Pumpkin Roll (Mom's Recipe!)
Chocolate Cream Pie (New Recipe!)

Sure seems like a lot for the seven of us (actually more like six because Steel will not eat any of it) but leftovers are a must!  The hub and I agree that leftovers are the best part of the holidays.  You don't have to cook for a couple days afterward, it's great!  And to be honest, we probably will not have enough leftovers to last 2 days, REALLY!

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