
Saturday, January 26, 2013

AVG Anti Virus App

It's been EONS since I posted about an APP.  I guess that big idea of mine fell to the wayside, huh?  Well, we got our little guy a tablet for Christmas (it was a smashing hit!), so I felt it was time to point out some more apps (finally).

I pre-loaded it myself with tons of (mostly educational) apps.  I figured he would for sure find all the fun stuff himself without a problem.  Pre-loading it saved money and we were able to get a better quality than those tablets marketed for kids.  Sure buying it with all kinds of apps geared towards kids is a great convenience but it was kinda fun looking them up and trying them out before I put the tablet back in the box and wrapped it.

At the time, the tablet was too new for all the accessories, so I just found a good rugged case for it this week on amazon.  It looks like an old tire - tough.  I'm not too sure how drop safe it really is but it is better than nothing at all!

So on to my post...

I thought I would start off with what I thought to be the most important... An Anti Virus.


It says that it protects against viruses, malware and spyware.  (not sure what malware is, is that new??  lol)  We have only used the free one thus far.  I'm still not into paying for apps, got enough this to pay for!!  =)

We just recently started using an anti virus on our phones.  We went anti virus free for a year and a half and we started getting these crazy alerts that I have no idea where they came from.  I didn't even know that you could protect your smartphone with this little feature.  I'm not sure that it is really fool proof but I feel safer knowing that it scans my apps when they are downloaded looking for potential risks.  This is especially critical for the little guy that doesn't quite understand how viruses work.  I'm not sure that I really do either.  I'm sure in due time he will understand better than I do.

Tune in next week for another Fun App...

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