
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Project Garden - Update #1

The hub built us a two-tiered garden.  Sorry, I have no tutorial.  I let him handle this on his own.

I bought the green wired fencing at the local discount store to keep our Puppy clean and out of our garden.

I had very bad luck with the seeds that I planted indoors.  They were great indoors but I was too impatient and did not introduce them to the harsh elements slowly.

All the tomatoes died.  I had to visit the local garden center and buy new plants.  The peppers are doing wonderfully!  The hub also built a bed for a pumpkin patch.  It seems the animals are already getting to those, all should be good.  I planted way too many for the area.  I planned this so that I could trim back the weaker plants to make more room for the stronger ones.

See our planting post here.

I will keep you posted on how our garden is doing.

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