
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wooden Garden Markers

I found this wood burner tool in Walmart's clearance of all places!!!  I needed to put it to use.  I was in need of some garden plant markers...  Super Easy (after a bit of practice, of course)!

Wood Burner Tool (Regular Price $10 at WalMart)
Tongue Depressors

 I am pretty confident that you can figure out the HOW TO part... =)

I will add a few words of wisdom that may save you some time if you so desire to make your own...

1.  Make sure the tool is warmed up properly, my directions say 10 minutes.

2.  Do not press hard.  Apply even pressure but not hard!  Take some time to practice.  Pressing too hard will make circle indents.  You can see below I still haven't mastered it but this was my first stab at it and it was getting dark and I wanted pics.  =)

That's all I got.  Enjoy!

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