
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Laundry Pocket Finds Jar

I used my Silhouette again!  I made vinyl letters to make a nifty jar for the laundry room to hold contents of what gets left in pockets that may or may not have made it's way into the laundry.  

How I Did It
1.  I made cut out my lettering on my Silhouette.  I made sure to keep the letters and the negative image all in tact.

2.  I used the vinyl transfer found near Cricut/Silhouette supplies in craft stores.  I peeled the backing off of it.

3.  I stuck the vinyl transfer directly to the lettering.

4.  I peeled the backing and negative from my lettering away from the vinyl transfer.  I made sure that only what I wanted to keep was still sticking to the vinyl transfer.  This isn't as hard as it may seem.

5.  I applied the vinyl transfer directly to the jar, lining up exactly where I wanted my lettering.  I eye balled this.

6.  I made sure to rub each letter with a bit of pressure to ensure when I peeled the vinyl transfer away that the letters would stay adhered to the jar.

7.  I peeled the transfer away from the jar.



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