
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Carnival Party Football Toss

I have this wrought iron looking heart that is supposed to be used to hang a flower pot on.  Well, it only gets used for throwing a football through it at our house.  So, what better to use for our football toss?!

I tied balloons to curling ribbon...

Then wrapped the ribbon around the heart shaped flower pot holder...


Each Child has 2 attempts to throw a football through the hole.  Once the child is successful he/she wins a prize.  If a child is unsuccessful he/she must go to the end of the line to try, try again.  Each child can only win one prize per game.  (Every child wins!)


I found these fun crazy balls at the dollar store.  There is a super ball that you put inside a balloon.  Then you put the balloon inside the outer shell that you can see it the picture above.  You blow up the balloon, tie it and close the outer shell with the velcro closure.  When it is bounced, it goes every which way.  Crazy Fun!

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