
Friday, April 26, 2013

Make Your Own Bread and Butter Pickles


My absolute favorite pickle is the Bread and Butter pickle.  Imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon this fantastic recipe to make my Brown Eyed Baker.  I ran right out and bought a fancy, shmancy vegetable slicer at Bed, Bath and Beyond to cut cucs to pickle!  This is seriously easy.

5 medium sized cucumbers (I looked for pickling cucumbers and turned up with nothing.  I settled for the smallest ones that I could find.)
Kosher salt, to sprinkle
1 cup sweet onion, thinly sliced
2 cups white vinegar
1 cup cider vinegar
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup light brown sugar
3 tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp celery seeds
1/4 tsp turmeric

To Prepare
1.  Cut cucumbers approximately 1/4 inch thick with fancy vegetable slicer (or a regular paring knife...haha)

2.  Layer in a bowl sprinkled with kosher salt, cover and set in the frig for an hour or two.

3.  Remove cucumbers from the bowl and rinse in a colander, return to emptied bowl, toss with onion and set aside.

4.  In a medium saucepan, add vinegars, sugars and spices over medium heat and stir until sugars are dissolved.

5.  Pour mixture over cucumbers and onions and let set for about an hour at room temperature.

6.  Transfer all ingredients to an air tight container and set in the frig overnight.

Enjoy the sweet goodness!  (They will keep in the frig for 2 weeks.)  I can't believe that I made them myself!  I'm not sure how necessary the onions are for the flavor.  I may try to had them without to see, it's not like I will eat them.  =)   I'm sure I can can them as well to keep them longer if I want to make a big batch like cucumber harvesting time this summer???  Can't wait!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sausage, Peppers & Onions - Crockpot & Freezer Meal

I have great intentions of getting to my projects but it's just not happening right now.  I'm posting some more of my Crockpot & Freezer Meals until our lives slow down a bit and mom has some time to get to her projects.  I haven't even planted my seeds indoors for our garden yet.  I better get on that... like yesterday.  

Sausage, Peppers and Onions in a crockpot?  As a freezer meal?  Why yes!

6 Italian Sausages
2 Green Peppers, sliced
1 Red Pepper, sliced
1 Large Onion, sliced
2 (14.5 oz) cans diced tomatoes
1 packet Good Seasons Italian Seasoning
Drizzle of Olive Oil

To Prepare
Ziploc Freezer Bag
1.  Combine all ingredients in a freezer bag.
2.  Seal with as little air as possible.
3.  Mix ingredients in bag once closed.
4.  Lay flat and freeze.
5.  When ready to cook:
     a.  Thaw frozen bag inside a bowl in the frig (1/2 - 1 day).  Throw in crockpot for 4 - 6 hours on high with 1/2 cup of water.
     b.  Empty frozen bag into crockpot and cook on high 6 - 8 hours with 1/2 cup of water.

Baked Fresh
Throw ingredients into crockpot and cook on high for 4 - 6 hours.

Please note that crockpot times may vary.  If it's the first time that you are making this dish and/or you don't know your crockpot that well, make it on the weekend while you are home.  

To Serve
Serve over noodles or with bread and mozzarella cheese.  Enjoy!

My Inspiration:  Ring Around the Rosies

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Puppy a.k.a. FUR BALL

Wuzzy Fuzzy Wasn't Fuzzy, Was He?  
He's so pathetically bald that he's cute.  Can you believe that it's the same dog?  Poor Puppy.  I think they went a bit short on his hair cut but he can see now.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Chipotle Chicken - Crockpot & Freezer Meal

We have been crazy busy with football and baseball and I am super behind on my blogging responsibilities... I'm hoping to complete some projects this weekend.  It's like tackle football all over again!  I will survive.  This is short lived, only three and a half more weeks of flag football.  I can make it.  

This picture doesn't do it justice.  It is actually quite tasty.  I find it best cooked in the oven once thawed.  

4 Chicken Breasts
1 T Onion Powder
1 T Minced Garlic
1 t paprika
1/2 t black pepper
1/2 t cayenne pepper
2 t chicken bouillon
2 T sugar
1/2 c water

To Prepare
Ziploc Freezer Bag
1.  Combine all ingredients in a freezer bag.
2.  Seal with as little air as possible.
3.  Mix ingredients in bag once closed.
4.  Lay flat and freeze.
5.  When ready to cook:
     a.  Thaw frozen bag inside a bowl in the frig (1/2 - 1 day).  Throw in crockpot for 4  - 6 hours on low.
     b.  Thaw frozen bag inside a bowl in the frig (1/2 - 1 day).  Empty bag into a baking pan.  Cover with        foil.  Bake at 375F for 40 - 50 minutes, remove foil for the last 10 - 15 minutes.

Baked Fresh
1.  Place chicken breasts in a baking pan.
2.  Combine remaining ingredients in a mixing bowl.
3.  Pour mixture over chicken and cover with foil.
4.  Bake at 375F for 40 - 50 minutes, remove foil for the last 10 - 15 minutes.

Serve with a tasty side dish and enjoy!

This recipe is all my own but this is My Inspiration which sounds tasty (if you like, give it a try!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

'Steel' Tee

Just showing off a Tee that I made for my 'Steel' using Silhouette Heat Transfer Vinyl and my Silhouette.  I couldn't get the little guy to model it for me so this is all ya get!  =)  It was designed by yours truly.  I'm so proud.  =)  Love my Silhouette. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Bird Nest Brownies

I made these cute little Bird Nest Brownies for Easter.  

I first made brownies per the package instructions in (greased) mini muffin tins.  Mine took about 15 minutes.   The toothpick came out almost clean... (you don't want it clean or the brownie won't be soft)

I let the brownies cool an popped them out of the muffin tin.  I, then, decorated them by using a chocolate frosting tub spooned into a ziploc bag with a decorating tip making little nest and popping little chocolate filled eggs in each nest...

My Inspiration:

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Easter Moon Pies

Cool Whip n Pudding Cream sandwiched in the center of two Cake Mix Cookies = Fabulous Easter Moon Pies...Need I say more?  

Oh yeah, you may want need the recipe...

1 box of yellow cake mix
2 eggs
1 t baking powder
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 cup Easter M&Ms

1 tub of Cool Whip, thawed
1 box of Cheesecake pudding mix (small box)

To Prepare
1.  Combine cake mix, eggs, baking powder and oil in a mixing bowl.  

2.  Stir in M&Ms.

3.  Form balls of dough on a greased cookie sheet or one lined with parchment paper.  

4.  Bake at 350F for approximately 10 minutes, oven times may vary so keep an eye out until edges are a golden brown.  

5.  Set aside to let cool.

6.  Combine pudding mix and cool whip in a small mixing bowl.

7.  Once cookies have cooled, dollop a good spoonful of that cool whip filling on the under side of a cookie and smoosh another one on top of it.

8.  Enjoy the yumminess!

My Inspiration:  Couponing & Cooking

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Steel's First Grade Music Concert

That's my angel!  He did a great job at his concert and he made a great sailor!  (See below...)  Just showing off my baby...